Our client, jSonar, got acquired by Imperva

jSonar is an all-in-one database security platform that delivers complete database coverage and richer, actionable security intelligence, all out of the box.

Pixelmatters and jSonar have been working together since early 2020, working on Strategy, UX, and UI Design and Front-end Development of jSonar.com website, which we’ve designed and built.

Imperva, the cybersecurity leader whose mission is to protect data and all paths to it, provides enterprise security, including distributed denial-of-service attacks, to more than 6,200 companies.

The acquisition of jSonar by Imperva was officialized a few days ago.

Congratulations to the jSonar team, we are proud to be part of the ride and are excited with what’s to come! 🥂
Official announcements:
André Oliveira
Founder & CEO