DatoCMS vs Strapi: complete review [2024]

We’ve previously mentioned how important and complex choosing a Content Management System (CMS) is, and let me say it again, this time using a different metaphor: it's like picking the right orchestra conductor for your symphony – the right CMS can harmonize design, functionality, and growth into a masterpiece. While a bad fit will result in an equally bad tune.

If you’re not sure what criteria should go into the decision-making process, I suggest checking out the blog post I'm linking below, as it explains what is important for you to look at when choosing a CMS and why you should weight some factors differently.

9 Factors to consider when choosing the right CMS [2024]
It's not about choosing the 'best' CMS out there, but the one that fits your needs.

Today, I’m pitting two popular Headless CMS platforms against each other: DatoCMS and Strapi. I’ll compare their functionalities, highlight their strengths and weaknesses based on our experience, and ultimately help you determine which one might be the perfect fit for your digital product. Let’s get into it! 🚀

Overview of the CMS pair

DatoCMS and Strapi are both headless CMS platforms designed to simplify content management.

DatoCMS offers a cloud-based, user-friendly solution with a focus on ease of use, robust APIs, and a developer-friendly experience. It doesn’t provide a self-hosted version, as it exclusively operates in the cloud.

Strapi, while also cloud-capable through Strapi Cloud, is known for being open-source and offering greater flexibility for customization. Developers can choose to self-host or use Strapi Cloud, providing more control over infrastructure and customization, though it comes with the responsibility of managing it when self-hosted.

Comparing key features 🔑

Let’s see how DatoCMS and Strapi compare against each other in terms of autonomy, pricing, scalability, UX, integrations, security and their support ecosystem. After this comparison, you should end up with a clear idea on how they differ from each other and their respective strong features.

1. Autonomy

DatoCMS excels in user-friendliness, with its drag-and-drop interface making creating and editing content easy. This empowers editors and marketers to focus on content creation without needing extensive technical knowledge. However, for deeper customization, developers may need to enter the scene and leverage DatoCMS's well-documented API. Think of it as having pre-built content blocks (like Lego bricks) for editors, with the underlying structure accessible to developers for more complex changes.

While Strapi offers a significant level of autonomy to non-technical users like marketers and content creators, it may require more dependency on developers, particularly those who enjoy granular control. It allows for building custom content models and functionalities using code extensions and plugins. This provides a high degree of flexibility, similar to building a website from scratch with a traditional framework like Ruby on Rails. However, the interface itself has a steeper learning curve, geared towards developers comfortable working in a more technical environment. While Strapi offers some pre-built plugins for common functionalities, extensive customization often requires coding expertise.

2. Cost Efficiency and ROI

DatoCMS currently offers one free plan and two paid ones, professional and enterprise. While there is a free plan, it’s restricted by reduced monthly limits. Strapi, being open-source, boasts a free core platform with optional paid plans. However, the self-hosting model can lead to extra costs for hosting, maintenance, and potentially developer resources. These factors should be considered when comparing long-term pricing, as they can balance out the initial difference.

3. Scalability

DatoCMS excels in automatic scaling thanks to its cloud-based infrastructure. This means your website can handle traffic surges seamlessly, ensuring smooth performance even during high peaks. Strapi offers scalability, but it requires more manual intervention from the developer. This might involve server upgrades or migrations during traffic spikes, which can be time-consuming and require technical expertise.

4. User Experience (UX)

DatoCMS prioritizes user experience (UX) with its straightforward interface. This makes content management intuitive for editors and marketers, allowing them to focus on creating compelling content. Strapi's interface leans towards a more technical approach, making it ideal for developers comfortable with code and customization.

5. Community

Both DatoCMS and Strapi boast active communities of users. These communities serve as valuable resources for finding answers, sharing best practices, and getting help from other users. DatoCMS has a forum-based community and a Slack channel, while Strapi leverages their forum and Discord.

6. Support and documentation

Both Content Management Systems offer extensive documentation and a good support ecosystem. DatoCMS provides comprehensive documentation, offering valuable resources for users of all experience levels, as well as the DatoCMS Academy for further learning. They also offer paid support plans for those seeking additional assistance. Strapi leverages their blog with use cases, how-tos, and feature guides, as well as a Youtube channel with guided tutorials. However, the support options depend on the chosen plan.

7. Integrations

DatoCMS has a growing list of integrations with tools and analytics platforms, including access to Community plugins, allowing you to connect your website with a wide range of services. Strapi, while offering fewer pre-built integrations, supports custom integrations through plugins and development, providing maximum flexibility for developers.

8. Security

Both platforms prioritize security, but DatoCMS takes a more centralized and managed approach with its cloud-based infrastructure. It includes built-in user roles, permissions, and authentication protocols, all managed centrally. This reduces the complexity for developers since much of the security is handled by the platform.

Strapi also provides customizable user roles and permissions, but since it is often self-hosted, its security largely depends on the developer's implementation and server management practices. This requires a higher level of technical expertise to properly configure features like encryption, secure authentication, and overall protection. However, Strapi Cloud offers a more managed solution, similar to DatoCMS, where infrastructure and security responsibilities are handled by the service.

Pros and cons based on Pixelmatters' experience 🔍


Pros 👍

Cons 👎


Pros 👍

Cons 👎

Wrapping up 🌯

The world of CMS options can feel overwhelming. Unlike picking a trendy outfit, there's no single "perfect" CMS for every project. What works for one project might not be ideal for another.

The key to choosing the right fit lies in understanding your specific needs.  Do you prioritize rapid development and a user-friendly interface? Or is extensive customization and scalability essential for your project? Both Strapi and DatoCMS offer compelling features and advantages, but the best choice ultimately depends on your specific project requirements.

It's also crucial to consider how the CMS will support your future growth. As your project scales, factors like performance, security, and ongoing maintenance become increasingly important, making it essential to choose a platform that can grow with your business and adapt to new challenges.

Feeling stuck? Our guide to the 9 most important factors to consider when choosing a CMS can help steer you in the right direction.

Need help choosing the right CMS?
Miguel Leite
Principal Engineer